Health Aide

April Checketts explains to a student how a COVID-19 test will be administered on Wednesday at Ridgeline High School. Students in the Cache County School District who have been quarantined because of exposure to the virus at school can get tested so they can return back to the classroom quicker.

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Nurses and health care workers have been overwhelmed and worn down by the worst effects of COVID-19 on their patients, but on the school side, Cache County School District health aides and nurses deliver good news — mostly.

“When I am testing most of the time, probably 95% of the time, I give a negative result,” April Checketts said. “When I come out and I give them a negative result, parents are the ones that are partying in the car like ‘yes, yes!’ They’re so excited. It brings these giant smiles to these parents’ faces. … Even the student is like, ‘Yes, I can go back to school.’”

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